- Users have to deposit their personal belongings at the Property Counter near the entrance.
- Demand slip are mandatory one day before the issue the books.
- Users, before leaving the counter must satisfy themselves as to whether the books, which they intend to borrow, are in good condition and any damage/marking should be immediately reported to the Librarian failing which the member to whom the book was issued will be held responsible.
- Two renewals will be permitted if there are no reservations against these books. For renewal, books have to be presented physically at the library counter.
- Users are advised to return/renew the books on or before due date marked on the book.
- Absence will not be accepted as an excuse for the delay in the return of books.
- A borrowed book should be returned on the due date, failing which a penalty of Rs.1/- will be collected as overdue charge per day.
- Loss of books, if any, should be reported to the library immediately and it should be replaced with a new copy along with a levy of overdue charges if any.
- In case the borrower is unable to replace the books that are lost, he will be levied a penalty two times the cost of the book plus overdue charges, if any.
- Any marking or writing inside the books by the members is strictly prohibited. If any damage/marking is found, the member should replace the book.
- Books that are in special demand shall be lent for shorter periods as may be necessary and Books lent out may be recalled at any time, if required.
- Books other than reference books will be issued to student members for a period of 15 days only. For teachers, the loan period is one full semester.
- Encyclopedias, Reference Books, Hand Books, Dictionaries, Periodicals and Back Volumes will not be issued and they are only for Reference.
- Members are responsible for all the books borrowed on their cards.
- Newspapers and magazine are not allowed outside the Library.
- Misbehavior in the library will lead to cancellation of membership and also lead to serious disciplinary action.
- Duplicate ID cards will be issued by the College on payment of Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred only)
- Loss of ID cards should be reported immediately to the College Library and ID Number has to be blocked to avoid misuse of the card
- All final year student members should get “No Dues Certificate” from the College Library.
- Using of Cell Phones inside the library is prohibited. Silence should be observed strictly inside the library
Best Practice in Library
- Regular feedback and suggestions from user.
- User Orientation & Information Literacy to students.
- Displaying new arrivals.